Random writings on running, software & product development, business and anything else

Tag: small business

NSW MicroBiz Week 2010

Industry & Investment NSW will be holding MicroBiz Week at the end of the month, from May 31st – June 4th. As someone who runs what qualifies as a micro business, I will definitely be attending some of these events.
Partly it is hearing from the various speakers, but personally meeting other micro business operators is the best part. We might be in different industries, but many of the issues we have to deal with are the same. Do we need other staff? What parts of our business should we outsource? And the best, who do you bounce ideas off when the office has just you?
I have already signed up for ‘Network & Connect’ on June 2nd & ‘How to sell your services and generate more profit’ on the 3rd. There are a number of others that look interesting, but there is also work to be done, and a business to run.

Free and open source software is good for a small business

Small organisations and businesses often lack the size and expertise to develop software to satisfy their needs. They are left to purchase proprietary software with supplier lock in, and pay the single supplier for customisation (if available) as they have no rights to do it. FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) provides an alternative with ready developed software that by its licensing is not tied to a single supplier or restricted in modification rights.

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