Random writings on running, software & product development, business and anything else

Tag: theme

Change of Theme

The TwentyTwelve theme for WprdPress is not officially out yet, but you can get it by SVN.

It’s a really nice clean responsive theme. I have taken it as the base for this site. At this time there is little difference, but I will gradually yweak it to be exactly as I want.

Sometimes Simplicity is the Answer

I really like the bubble image, and thought it would make a great background for a WordPress theme, but in reality it was too big, and made the initial page load too slow. So I have replaced the theme for this blog, with a theme called Modern Clix by Rodrigo Galindez. Beautiful typography and plenty of white space. Pretty much the opposite of what I had created.

© 2025 Ernie Leseberg

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